Standalone exemption request
You can send a standalone Server-to-server request to evaluate if a transaction is applicable for an exemption.
NOTE: You must be fully PCI compliant if you wish to perform a standalone exemption request (as it requires you to collect card data).
How it works
Handle Response
The response will include information about the exemption that is applicable for your transaction. The exemption flag is in the resultDetails.RiskRuleCategory field.
1. Send the standalone exemption request
Use the standalone endpoint to send the requests to the exemption engine:

2. Handle the response
To determine which exemption is applicable, take the value presented in the resultDetails.RiskRuleCategory field. It is always prefixed with the SCAEX_ prefix. After the prefix the 2-digit value indicates the applicable exemption:
- 00 - Exemption is not applicable
- 01 - Low-value exemption is applicable
- 02 - TRA exemption is applicable
- 03 - Trusted beneficiary exemption is applicable
- 04 - Corporate card exemption is applicable
If you want to use this exemption during payment, just send the threeDSecure.exemptionFlag in the payment request with the applicable 2-digit value.